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-Designed By: Possum!





To be in the NEXT issue of zoner

Why?: Imagine! This will boost your popularity! You will become the next president of the United States - if only YOU! YES YOU! Could have your picture, ship, graphic, flash, or idea posted on zoner, thats right my friend! YOU, could be in the next zoner issue!

How?: There are 4 Ways to do it!
1) If your a graphic artist - use your graphic skills to create a funny subspace graphic that will make you and others laugh. If you have the best submission for an issue, you could be that issues Zoner Winner! And be featured under our Zoner Hall of Issues! (530 x 400 max width and height)

2) If you know flash - create flash movie that you think would make others fall out of there chair in laughter. Use your imagination! Send it in! You could also be under Zoners Hall of Issues! (530 x 400 max width and height)

3) Got a Photo and a Screenshot? - If you would like to be in Zoner's photo album send it in with your favorite subspace screenshot! (530 x 400 max width and height)

4) Like to do Ship Sets? - If you enjoy manipulating the ship sets in the game, Zoner would love to feature your ship set or crazy idea in the issues! (530 x 400 max width and height)

I'll even take ideas!
- Please send all submissions to Possumposs@juno.com

I decided to place the zipped file of the graphics that you need in order to create/manipulate zoner submissions. Now this file contains the real graphics for the game, such as ships, weapons, repels, etc.etc. Having these graphics and knowing how to do graphics will allow you to make submissions and also do your own game add ons!

Enjoy! And Submit!

subart130.zip (2.2 meg)