November 15, 2000

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-Designed By: Possum!




- Yes Folks!!!
After constantly being harassed by the vet Zoner fans, I have finally got my lazy ass out of my chair and decided to bring the old Zoner back into the Subspace Community.

Why? Well! If most of your vets remember - You guys loved it! And for all you newbie people of Subspace, well aren't you in for it today!

Newbie Information - Zoner was/is a Subspace Comic that was created about 2 years ago to entertain the Subspace Fans and Addicts. It became a popular place where many Subspace players could go to and remember that its only a game. You may have seen many other Subspace Comic mimics out there - but never have they been close to Zoner's match. If you would like to see the OLD Zoner Archive (which I will be pulling out in several different issues) Please go to .

More history on Zoner: This is the 3rd Zoner reviver, Before zoner was called Zoner, it was called Possum!'s (232) Zoner - Meaning ME (Possum!) "(232") My Bty and ZONER as in "Zone" but.. "Zoner" which is a specific name...that I came up with for no reason.

My favorite saying is "I have a Zoner!"
Whats Yours?



To be in the NEXT issue of zoner

Why?: Imagine! This will boost your popularity! You will become the next president of the United States - if only YOU! YES YOU! Could have your picture, ship, graphic, flash, or idea posted on zoner, thats right my friend! YOU, could be in the next zoner issue!

How?: There are 4 Ways to do it!
1) If your a graphic artist - use your graphic skills to create a funny subspace graphic that will make you and others laugh. If you have the best submission for an issue, you could be that issues Zoner Winner! And be featured under our Zoner Hall of Issues! (530 x 400 max width and height)

2) If you know flash - create flash movie that you think would make others fall out of there chair in laughter. Use your imagination! Send it in! You could also be under Zoners Hall of Issues! (530 x 400 max width and height)

3) Got a Photo and a Screenshot? - If you would like to be in Zoner's photo album send it in with your favorite subspace screenshot! (530 x 400 max width and height)

4) Like to do Ship Sets? - If you enjoy manipulating the ship sets in the game, Zoner would love to feature your ship set or crazy idea in the issues! (530 x 400 max width and height)

I'll even take ideas!
- Please send all submissions to


FLORIDA RECOUNT 67 of 67 counties reporting
Bush 2,910,492
Gore 2,910,192
Evaugh 134

Overseas absentee ballots and ongoing recount results pending

25 electoral votes at stake

Gore agrees to meet with Bush as the recount continues.

During the meeting Evaugh abruptly covers Gore's microphone before Gore can speak, and states "ITS BECAUSE I'M ORANGE ISN'T IT!!!!"

People were shocked to see that Evaugh, who is running as a Subspace Player for President, was very pissed at Gore and Bush. Evaugh, who currently holds 134 votes, let me repeat that, 134 votes in the pole - was very dissapointed in the childish games that both Bush and Gore are playing.

As a result, Evaugh attempted to beat the two up with his Warbird - which currently, as he states, has many modifications. The ironic thing is that, Evaugh isn't even a U.S. Citizen!


I am very dissapointed in the each of the candidates this year, neither Bush or Gore bothered to condsider the Subspace vote. I want a Subspace bill of rights, special tax breaks for laggers to get better connections. Here is what a debate would look like in the Subspace Issues.

Gore: "We must protect our Subspace environment. We are polluting our airspace with rockets burning up fuel. We are destroying our Greening Social Security. We should put it in "A lock box" and do not take any greens out until we have paid down the debt. I want to fight for you: Bush my opponent is for giving more greens to the most skilled %1 of veterans and leave none for our newbies. Now that is just wrong."

Bush: "I don't know what he is talking about. He is using "fuzzy math." I want to give the greens back to the people to everybody."

Gore: "I take that statement as an attack on my character and I won't respond negative, but I am going to stick to the issues. I believe in thor locks and keeping them away from the people who will not use them properly. Something that my opponent opposes. Is this the type of president we want?"

Bush: "Asshole!"

Cheney: "You are correct sir!"

By: Rude Awakening



From an Old Zoner Issue !


Thats all for Today - Please send in your submissions soon! :)
