January 2, 2001

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-Designed By: Possum!



First of the Millennium

- The New Year has begun! How was everyone's new years? Mine was pretty boring but okay, I still miss Hawaii!

Today's issue will have the special zip file that everyone has been looking for. In order to do zoner submissions many of you people need these graphics! They are within this issue.

Last issue's Hall of Issues winner was Long Lost Demo! For her hilarious Practice Off-line graphic - in which many people enjoyed

If you want to be a part of Zoner Please send in your submissions to Possum@ds98.com


by: Possum!



By: Possum

I decided to place the zipped file of the graphics that you need in order to create/manipulate zoner submissions. Now this file contains the real graphics for the game, such as ships, weapons, repels, etc.etc. Having these graphics and knowing how to do graphics will allow you to make submissions and also do your own game add ons!

Enjoy! And Submit!

subart130.zip (2.2 meg)




By: Zeta Squad

Very sick guys but very awesome




by: Winter1

Since the Graphic Submitted was much to large for the site

Please Click Here to See



Dream Job
By: Draft Punk



By: SS BANDIT & Power Pete

Since the Graphic Submitted was much to large for the site

Please Click Here to See


Lots of Thors

by: Power Pete


My Dream

by: RJ Craft



The Buh
by: Vesi



Leviathan T-Shirts

by: Turf Dog

The levi has just came out with a brand new shirt!
Here are the details

Buy yours today!!! $199.99 + Tax and Shipping




There's a Bug In the Game
by: RJ Craft

Since the Graphic Submitted was much to large for the site

Please Click Here to See


by: Possum




Today's Issue was brought to you by:


If your idea/submission wasn't in this issue - look for it in the next!

Special Thanks To:
RJ Craft - Sending in your Submissions, the bug and your dream
Winter1 - For your Possum Graphic
SS Bandit - Teasing Evaugh!!
Power Pete - Both of your awesome submissions
Draft Punk - That is one AWESOME 3d Graphic, did you do that?
Turf Dog - I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that levi shirt
Vesi - BUH BUH BUH! :)
Zeta Squad - Pincher and Swea Pea did the work on the banners

Subspace.net - For hosting zoner and making sure the SS community knows about it.

That's all for Today - Please send in your submissions soon! :)

ICQ: 2922236